
A series of events are planned across the UK and Ireland on Saturday 12th July to say no to the proposed EU-US trade deal.

The deal being negotiated between the EU and US is one of the largest free trade agreements in history. It is known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and has been shrouded in secrecy since discussions began in July 2013.

The official rationale for the talks is to make trade between the two blocs easier. The ‘barriers to trade’ that are up for removal are actually protections for citizens and important environmental regulations. Up for discussion are rules about food safety including labeling of genetically modified products, toxic chemicals, highly polluting fuels, data protection and many other things.

Negotiations also include new investor protection rules that may mean companies have the right to claim compensation for any Government decision which could affect their profits.

These anti-democratic ‘investor-state dispute settlement’ panels could see companies claiming compensation from our government if they attempt to oppose dangerous developments such as fracking or the use of GM crops

The introduction of mutual recognition of standards (where Europe would have to accept US imports regardless of whether they comply with EU regulations, and vice-versa), risk effectively lowering standards towards the lowest-common level.

Friends of the Earth Scotland believe that the proposed deal could pose a serious threat to standards designed to protect our health, the environment and social wellbeing. It risks rolling-back democratically agreed safeguards across many areas of our lives.

Edinburgh: Robot Flashmob,  2pm, Bottom of The Mound  Facebook Event
Glasgow: Corporate Puppeteers, 11am, Hillhead Library  Facebook Event

If you live outside Scotland you find out details of an event near you on http://www.nottip.org.uk

If you want to learn more about this deal our colleagues at Friends of the Earth Europe have produced these excellent briefings:

EU-US Trade deal: Trading away our future? 
Friends of the Earth Europe, October 2013 

No Fracking Way: how the EU-US trade agreement risks expanding fracking.
Friends of the Earth Europe, March 2014