
Young Friends of the Earth Scotland is a grassroots network of young people (aged 16-30), from across Scotland, working collectively for social and climate justice. Our network is made up of local groups, allied organisations and passionate individuals across the country. We welcome any young people in Scotland to get involved and attend our events.

YFoES aims to:

  • Equip young people across Scotland to engage and inspire their communities to take action together towards an economically, socially, and environmentally just world.
  • Connect and strengthen the youth movement, and ensure that the voices of young people and future generations are heard in decisions that affect us.

We host network gatherings, organise regional skill shares and local events, workshops and trainings – both online and offline. Our members work collaboratively to take action and campaign on key issues.

We also support young people working on environmental and social justice issues across Scotland. Get in touch if you’d like to know more or request a workshop!

To learn more about our work, check out our strategy.

We are a member of Young Friends of the Earth Europe and provide opportunities for Scottish youth to connect with activists and attend events across Europe. Check out the Young Friends of the Earth Manifesto.