Climate saints and sinners named at the Not Stupid awards
A glitzy awards ceremony will be held this Saturday (21 March 2009) at Edinburgh Filmhouse to recognise the contributions of various Scottish individuals and organisations to the fight against climate change. The awards will also name and shame some of the most notorious climate villains.
The ceremony will follow a screening of the epic new film ‘The Age of Stupid’, which enjoyed a huge global premiere last weekend [1]. Inspired by the film the award winners will receive ‘Not Stupid’ awards, with the villains receiving ‘Stupid’ awards.
The awards have been organised by Friends of the Earth Scotland and World Development Movement Scotland.
A spokesperson for the awards said:
“The Age of Stupid shows how action on climate change is required urgently. We thought this would be a great occasion to celebrate the amazing people and organisations that are rising to the challenge and achieving great things.”
“We’re also presenting ‘Stupid’ awards to some of the most notorious climate-trashers.”
“It’s going to be quite a ceremony: expect penguins, bad jokes and some very unusual awards statues.”
Media contact: Owen Davis 0131 243 2719 (office) 0131 243 2715 (redirect to mobile)
[1] The Age of Stupid is the new four-year epic from McLibel director Franny Armstrong. Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite stars as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, looking at old footage from 2008 and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?