Another US state bans fracking
The US state of Maryland is set to join the growing list of places around the world that have banned fracking! The state Senate voted on March 27th to ban the polluting industry – something Marylanders had been demanding for years. This is a fantastic example of people power and grassroots organising and huge credit should go to the communities and campaigners who had fought so hard for this victory.
Maryland will be the third state to ban fracking after Vermont and New York. Plenty of counties and cities across the United States have also acted to prohibit unconventional gas drilling of this type – often citing health and environmental impacts.
Another US state passing legislation to stop this industry undermines the rosy picture that fracking companies here like to paint of the US ‘shale boom’. The reality is that everywhere fracking is proposed, it is opposed.
Read more about how this ban was won Maryland Set to Ban Fracking in Huge Win for People Power