
Why we collapsed a huge house of cards outside the Scottish Parliament

Despite the clear evidence of climate breakdown, the Scottish Government is considering approving the building of a new gas burning power station in Peterhead.  

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Peterhead expansion plan would worsen Scotland’s biggest climate polluter

If the Scottish Government approve this dangerous plan, it will lock us in to continued use of volatile fossil fuels for decades to come.

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The UK Government has approved the Rosebank oil field. But the fight doesn’t end here.

Campaigners vow to keep fighting this climate-wrecking project.

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The fight to Stop Rosebank continues

The UK Government has shown its priority is to protect the profits of the oil industry, rather than helping people during a cost of living crisis.

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Edinburgh marches to end fossil fuels!

We marched together to demand a fair and fast transition to renewable energy that protects workers and communities

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Edinburgh Fringe recommendations: climate-themed shows

Our recommendations of the shows to catch at the Edinburgh Festivals this year.

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How much influence does the fossil fuel industry have on the Scottish Government?

Our research reveals the scale of the lobbying push by big polluters in Scotland.

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Labour’s oil and gas announcement

A breakdown of what’s been going on with Labour’s latests announcement on oil and gas.

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woman at protest holding up sign reading 'I cant afford oil and gas neither can the planet'

Why new oil extraction won’t lower bills

The oil belongs to the companies who will sell it on the international market to the highest bidder.

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