Circular economy – activism information
84% of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from the materials we consume.
We currently have an important opportunity to change this, and we need as many people as possible getting involved to make this change a reality.
Will you pledge to take action?
Below is a pack of information for anyone who wants Scotland to use materials in a fairer, more sustainable way. It has been designed with the upcoming Circular Economy Bill in mind, but you can use it to help you talk in anyway about the link between materials and climate justice. It will give you suggestions of how to take action as well as all the information you need to get others involved too.
Changing how we use and dispose of resources is a key part of making a fairer and climate just Scotland and world. This year, a bill about how we move towards a circular economy is going through the Scottish Parliament. This is a crucial moment to influence policy on waste and resource use.
The overall idea is simple: we need to reduce the amount of new resources we use. We can do this by demanding that the Governments hold big businesses to account more for what they take from nature and massively improving re-use and recycling at a societal level.
We hope that this pack makes it easier for you to understand the current issues and possible solutions regarding Scotland’s resource use, and allows you to make your voice, and those in your communities, heard in demanding a strong Circular Economy Bill.
You can use these resources to inform yourself on the issues and possible solutions, but we hope you will also use them to share this information with your community – whether that’s a faith group, customers of a zero-waste shop, a sports team, attendees of events, members of the public at a street stall, or something else!