How to contact your MSPs about the school climate strike
Who are my MSPs?
Everyone in Scotland has 8 Members of the Scottish Parliament who represent them – one ‘constituency MSP’ representing the local area that you live in, and seven ‘regional MSPs’ representing the wider region you live in.
Find out who your MSPs are and get their contact details
If you click for ‘more info’ you’ll be able to see your MSPs email address. By clicking on ‘View Profile’ you’ll see their parliament portfolio which includes contact telephone number for their office.
Contact your MSP as far in advance as possible, they have busy calendars so the earlier you get in touch, the more likely it is they’ll be able to attend.
On Fridays MSPs work in the area they represent, rather than at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, so it’s a good day to try and get them along to local climate strikes. The Edinburgh and Lothian MSPs might still be interested in attending an event in Edinburgh

What to say to your MSPs
- That you live in their constituency or region
- That you’re a local student or school pupil.
- That you’re contacting them about the climate strikes
- Explain why you are worried about climate change, and why you’re taking part in the strikes. This means if they can’t make it along to the event, they still know you care about the issue
Give them the details about the climate strike that you’ll be attending: where will you be, when will you be there, and how many people will be there?
MSPs want to meet constituents, so if you tell them that a group of local people will be in one area discussing an issue – they’ll want to be there!
Get in touch
Let us know how you get on! If you hear back from MSPs, we’d love to know it so we can track what MSPs are saying.
If you need any help with emails, just ask! We speak to MSPs a lot so we’re happy to help with emails or replies.
Get in touch for more info at fboden[at]foe.scot