Growing a Greener Economy: Scottish Left Review
Articles on the theme of Growing a Greener Economy in Scottish Left Review 89, published in September 2015, are now available through the links below. They come from leading trade unionists, environmentalists and socialists and are offered as the foundation for a serious engagement between environmentalists and the left. The guest editorial by Matthew Crighton and Eurig Scandrett asserts that some of the foundations for such a closer alliance are being laid in the attention which the environmental movement is giving to economic issues. Comments are welcome – to do so join the Reinvent Our Economy online forum here.
Can green and red unite to save our planet and change the world? Matthew Crighton and Eurig Scandrett
Unions essential for a socially and environmentally just economy Richard Leonard of GMB
Transitions to a sustainable economy Richard Dixon of Friends of the Earth Scotland
Better not bigger: building a greener economy beyond consumption Katherine Trebeck of Oxfam
A balanced energy policy Dave Watson of UNISON Scotland
Rediscovering municipal socialism as the key to democratic energy transition Andrew Cumbers, Glasgow University
Democratic and accountable banks Gemma Bone and Ric Lander of Friends of the Earth Scotland
A healthy transition to sustainability Gerry McCartney
Fighting capitalist climate change Chris Baugh of PCS
What are the main barriers to an environmentally sustainable economy in Scotland and key steps to overcoming them? Sarah Boyack MSP, Scottish Labour Party, Patrick Grady MP, Scottish National Party, Alison Johnstone MSP, Scottish Greens
Being ambitious, rising to the challenge to transform our economy Matthew Crighton
Environmental justice: uniting against a common enemy Eurig Scandrett, Queen Margaret University
Engaging with established economics Phoebe Cochrane, Scottish Environment LINK
Why do environmentalists need to understand economic alternatives? Andy Myles from Scottish Environment LINK, Helen Todd of Ramblers Scotland and Liz Murray of Global Justice Now
Toxic economy Morag Parnell