Keeping up the climate pressure
Huge thanks to each and every one of you that took action to call for Scotland to be more ambitious in tackling climate change! Altogether, an incredible 19,000 people sent a message to the Scottish Government, calling for our new climate law to set stronger targets for cutting greenhouse gases, including a date for Scotland to reach zero emissions.
Check out these photos as children from Sciennes Primary handed over your responses to the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change, Roseanna Cunningham.
Many people responded to say that it must include plans to tackle cold homes, make farming greener and clean up our transport system. The campaign has already secured two great wins with the First Minister’s announcement that the government will phase out fossil fuelled vehicles by 2032 and establish a Just Transition Commission to help ensure the move to a low-carbon economy is fair to workers and communities.
From street stalls and film screenings to fresher’s fairs and consultation cafe events, it was great to see so many different groups come together over the last 3 months to talk about climate change and what Scotland should do to play our part in delivering the Paris Agreement. The overwhelming message was that people want our government to step up urgent action on cutting climate emissions, and set a goal for a zero emissions Scotland.
So what happens next?
Our campaign has only just begun! First, the Scottish Government will analyse all of your responses and consider the feedback before they begin writing the first draft of the new climate law. As they do this it is important we keep the pressure on, to make sure that they take heed of what thousands of people have asked for and write a much stronger Climate Change Bill than they have so far proposed.
We expect the draft Climate Change Bill to be published in the new year, and then every MSP in the Scottish Parliament gets a chance to vote on the Bill and even suggest changes to improve it. This means that we all need to start talking to our MSPs and telling them to make sure the new Climate Bill delivers what is needed.
Get involved! Help keep the pressure on
On the 13th and 14th of October, people all over the world will be taking part in Friends of the Earth International days of action for climate justice. Across 5 continents, people will be taking action in their communities to highlight the climate emergency already facing so many people and sound the alarm for urgent action.
In Scotland, we have a real chance to act on the climate emergency by creating a strong Climate Change Bill. So we’ll be using the days of action to keep up the pressure for the Bill to deliver strong targets and serious action, and we’d love you to get involved. Whether you decide to meet your MSP, send a message to the First Minister or hold a street stall or stunt with your local group, we’ve got information, resources and even props to help you!
Visit our Days of Action page to find out how you can get involved, and order your action pack today.