
Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Chief Executive Duncan McLaren commented on the green light for Aberdeen Bypass:

“This a mistaken and poorly judged decision that will make it more difficult to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland.

“The new bypass will mean that drivers will have to do less, while businesses and householders will have to do more to make up for the increase.

“It is disappointing that the Scottish Government makes this decision, which is in conflict with their own aspirations on climate change, only days after the weak accord reached at the Copenhagen climate summit.

“The new bypass will mean more cars, more pollution and more carbon emissions. The Scottish Government cannot continue to build new large roads if Scotland is to play its part in cutting emissions. We need cleaner, healthier ways of travelling, not more cars, more pollution and more carbon emissions.”

For media enquiries, please contact:

Per Fischer, Press Office, Friends of the Earth Scotland

T: 0131 243 2719

Notes to editors

The Scottish Government has decided to proceed with the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) after considering the findings and recommendations of the public local inquiry.

Friends of the Earth Scotland is the country’s leading independent environmental campaigning organisation, and is the only organisation in Scotland that is working for environmental justice, campaigning for the planet and its people. www.foe-scotland.org.uk