
TOP LINES: October 2013 was 1.5°C warmer than the average, making it the 11th warmest October on record.

Average Temperature: 9.4°C which is 1.5°C above the long-term average (1971-2000).

Average Rainfall: 181.0mm, which is 11% wetter than the long-term average.

Average Sunshine: 58.0hrs, which is 24% less than the long-term average.

Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said:

“October was very warm; in fact the warmest October since 2006. It had a particularly warm spell towards the end and was also a bit wetter and less sunny than average.

“November sees the world’s nations gathering in Warsaw for the the annual United Nations’ climate conference. This is an important step on the way to setting new climate targets at the equivalent conference in Paris in 2015 and follows the new IPCC report which shows that temperatures are up, polar ice is disappearing and the oceans are getting more acid.

“However, this conference is already surrounded by controversy, with sponsors ranging from car companies to airlines, and a major coal conference running at the same time. Sadly, Poland has never been a champion of strong action on climate change, and the UN conference may have to make progress despite, rather than because, of their hosts.”

The year so far

January was slightly warmer and drier than average but not very sunny. February was the 4th sunniest February on record and was cool and dry. March was exceptionally cold and dry, being the 5th coldest and 6th driest March on record. April was cooler and wetter than average but also very sunny, being the 10th sunniest April on record. May was close to average in temperature and sunshine but 50% wetter than average. June was slightly warmer than average. July was the 2nd warmest and 3rd sunniest July ever recorded in Scotland. August was dry with temperatures nearly a degree warmer than average. Summer 2013 was the 7th warmest summer and the warmest since 2006. September was drier and slightly warmer than the average.


Notes to Editors

1. Data from the Met Office http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/datasets/index.html with further analysis by Friends of the Earth Scotland.

2. The five warmest years in Scotland since records began in 1910 are 2006, 2003, 2007, 2004, 2005 (warmest first).

3. Friends of the Earth and concerned citizens will be protesting against climate-busting, unconventional gas at the SNP conference on Global Frackdown Day 19th October http://foe-scotland.org.uk/GlobalFrackdownDay

4. FoE Scotland is part of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, an alliance of development, environment and civil society groups aiming for tougher action to reduce emissions
