Damning verdict on Fracking from Scottish Government Studies
A series of reports published by the Scottish Government today (Tuesday 8 November) contain damning evidence on the impacts of developing a shale gas fracking and coalbed methane industry in Scotland.
The reports say:
Climate Change Impacts:
developing an unconventional gas industry will make it harder to meet our climate targets;
left unregulated the emissions footprint due to methane leakage could be substantial
there is sufficient evidence to determine that a number of air and water born environmental hazards would be likely to occur as a result of UOG operations;
evidence that UOG workers health could be at risk from the use of silica in fracking operations;
evidence of other UOG hazards that could pose a risk to the health of nearby residents
unclear if industry commercially viable;
current low oil prices mean extremely challenging climate to develop UOG;
central production scenario would only contribute on average 0.1% GDP, see a direct spend of £2.2bn in Scotland up to 2062, and only bring 1,400 direct and indirect jobs
increase in traffic from could result in more noise, emissions, road damage and accidents;
local communities could experience increase in traffic numbers over many years
In his statement to the Scottish Parliament this afternoon Energy and Climate Change Minister Paul Wheelhouse MSP emphasised the importance of remembering that shale gas and coalbed methane resources are located in the most densely populated part of country.
Friends of the Earth Head of Campaigns Mary Church said:
“Fracking is bad for the climate, bad for public health and won’t do much good for the economy. That’s the damning verdict of the independent studies published by the Scottish Government today, echoing the concerns of communities across the country.
“The economic case for pursuing an unconventional gas industry in Scotland simply doesn’t stand up, while the risks of doing so could be utterly devastating for communities and the environment. No state has had a moratorium on fracking, looked at the evidence and decided it’s a good idea.
“Support for fracking is at an all time low. People just don’t want this dirty, dangerous industry. We are confident that when the Scottish people are given a chance to have their say in the forthcoming Government consultation, the answer will be a resounding ‘no’ to fracking.”
Notes to Editors
1. The Scottish Government introduced a moratorium on onshore oil and gas extraction in January 2015, and commissioned a Public Health Impact Assessment and studies on climate impacts, economic impacts, transport impacts, seismic activity and decommissioning of the industry in October 2015.
The studies are available at: http://www.gov.scot/Publications/Recent
Full list of studies and consultants delivering them:
Public Health Impact Assessment (Health Protection Scotland)
Climate Change Impact (UKCCC)
Economic Impact & Scenario Development (KPMG)
Understanding and Monitoring Induced Seismic Activity (BGS)
Understanding and Mitigating Community Level Impacts from Transportation (Ricardo)
Decommissioning, Site Restoration & Aftercare (AECOM)
2. The studies published today will inform a public consultation that will begin in the New Year.
3. Claudia Beamish MSP lodged a proposal for a Private Member’s Bill to ban onshore unconventional oil and gas on Friday 4 November http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/scot-labour-law-fracking
4. In June this year the Scottish Parliament voted to ban fracking and other forms of unconventional oil and gas extraction, with Labour, Green and Lib Dem MSPs voting together to defeat the Conservatives who opposed this move, and the SNP who abstained. The motion was non-binding on the Scottish Government http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/PR-fracking-ban
5. For more information and how you can get involved in the fight against fracking visit: www.stopfracking.scot
6. Friends of the Earth Scotland is
* Scotland’s leading environmental campaigning organisation
* An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of supporters and active local groups across Scotland
* Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world, uniting over 2 million supporters, 75 national member groups, and some 5,000 local activist groups.