
Climate campaigners have reacted to the decision by Ineos to close the Grangemouth oil refinery with heavy criticism of politician’s failure to plan a fair transition alongside workers.

Friends of the Earth Scotland just transition campaigner Rosie Hampton commented, 
“There can be no justice in the transition if the workforce have been made redundant. These workers should not be forced to accept lower terms and conditions because of Ineos’ decision and both Government’s failure to negotiate a proper transition plan.  

“The approach of Scottish Ministers has been entirely reliant on big business to dictate the terms and the pace of energy transition and everyone can see that it is failing both the climate and the workers and communities currently reliant on the fossil fuel industry. 

“Ineos have millions to spend on transfers at Manchester United but apparently nothing to spend on transitions for workers at Grangemouth.” 

“The urgency of climate breakdown combined with necessary move away from polluting vehicles means that the transition away from oil and gas is essential in the coming years. The closure of the oil refinery is the inevitable consequence of the Scottish Government’s repeated failure to grasp this reality and to create transition plans with affected workers. 

“Scotland’s energy future must see our lives powered by renewables that are owned and operated in the public interest. Pie in the sky claims about a potential future role of carbon capture and hydrogen are little more than greenwash that will fail to create the jobs needed or phase out the fossil fuels wreaking havoc to our climate.” 

“We stand in solidarity with Grangemouth workers and their families who will be concerned about what the future holds. We remain committed to campaigning alongside them for decent long-term jobs in industries that protect our planet and meet the needs of our communities.“ 

Grangemouth oil refinery to close next year https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvg3gwkkk4mo 

Friends of the Earth Scotland is:
* Scotland’s leading environmental campaigning organisation
* An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of supporters and active local groups across Scotland
* Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world, uniting over 2 million supporters, 73 national member groups, and 5,000 local activist groups