Hinkley Nuclear Plant approved by EDF
French energy firm EDF today gave the costly Hinkley Point nuclear plant their approval, despite opposition from within the company, French unions, economic experts and environmentalists.
Friends of the Earth Scotland Director Dr Richard Dixon commented,
“The Tories' ideological fixation with nuclear has blinded them to the eye-watering cost of this project and the significant risk that it will never be completed. The same level of investment could make the UK super efficient and deliver far more electricity from a range of renewables. Hinkley doesn’t make sense on economic or environmental grounds.
“EDF’s other two reactor projects are years behind schedule and many times over budget, there is little evidence that the project at Hinkley will be any more successful.”
Notes to Editors
The board of EDF approved the Hinkley investment decision this evening.
Hinkley Point C may cost £30bn in 'top-up payments', warns National Audit Office https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/13/hinkley-point-c-cost-30b…
Friends of the Earth Scotland is campaigning for just transition to a 100% renewable, nuclear-free, zero-fossil-fuel Scotland. www.fossilfree.scot/
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