New film documents Scottish community energy stories
Friends of the Earth Scotland today launches a new film documenting some of the best examples of community owned and operated renewables from across Scotland. [1]
Friends of the Earth Scotland community power campaigner Anne Schiffer said “Community groups across Scotland are leading the way in moving from dirty fossil fuels to harnessing our vast renewable energy potential. This film shows how ordinary people have made this journey, celebrates local success stories and will hopefully inspire others to start their own project.”
“Community energy has the power the transform people’s relationships with energy from passive consumers to active, successful producers. Community Energy puts people at the heart of a just transition to renewable energy. “
“This week we have seen global leaders yet again fail to deliver the commitments needed to avert dangerous climate change but this film shows Scottish citizens taking matters into their own hands and reaping the benefits of choosing a clean energy future. “ [2]
The launch of a new report entitled Community Power Scotland: From Remote Island Grids to Urban Solar Co-operatives which examines some the projects featured in more detail, looks at the potential for community energy across Scotland and makes recommendations to enable it to flourish.
The film will be launched as part of a European event with local government associations and energy agencies examining the potential for roll-out of community energy in Scotland. [3] This event takes place during UK Community Energy Fortnight which provides an opportunity for the public to explore and celebrate how communities are generating, owning and saving energy. [4]
The production of these films was generously supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Clara Govier, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery said; “I am delighted that players of People’s Postcode Lottery have supported the Community Power project. The films produced ensure a clear understanding of the benefits of this project and the positive impact it will have for future generations.”
Anne Schiffer concluded: “Community energy increases support for renewables and gives power back to the people by reducing their reliance on the big energy companies and allowing them to share in the benefits of generation.”
Notes to Editors
1. Youtube link to film: http://youtu.be/RZ6bVTUfepo
2. UN climate summit http://www.un.org/climatechange/summit/
Friends of the Earth Scotland reaction: http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/UN-climate-summit-a-fools-paradise
3. ICLEI event invitation: http://www.covenant-capacity.eu/fileadmin/uploads/en/Events/CO-POWER_wor…
4. UK Community energy fortnight http://ukcec.org/events/community-fortnight-2014
5. The film will also be played as part of the Hebrides Film Festival this week: http://www.hebfilmfestival.org
6. Friends of the Earth Scotland is
• Scotland's leading environmental campaigning organisation
• An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of
supporters and active local groups across Scotland
• Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world,
uniting over 2 million supporters, 77 national member groups, and some
5,000 local activist groups
7. About People’s Postcode Lottery : http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/ppl
People’s Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery. Players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for charities and good causes local to them.
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8. This film was edited by Oak Tree Productions in association with the Scottish Community Energy Coalition. http://www.oaktreeproductions.co.uk