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Oil industry lobbied Scottish Government 200+ times under Sturgeon’s ‘open door policy’ to polluters

Campaigners are calling on Humza Yousaf’s new Government to make a clean break from the old regime and fossil fuel lobbying

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Offshore workers’ demands take on Government inaction and industry profiteering

Workers, climate groups and trade unions back a new plan that would deliver a just transition away from fossil fuels to protect jobs, communities and climate.

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SNP voters back rapid move away from oil & gas, polling shows

First Minister candidates are urged to speed progress towards a fair and fast energy transition for workers and communities

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Energy Strategy ‘shies away from the big decisions’

Environmental campaigners have reacted to the Scottish Government’s new Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan. Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “Our current fossil fuelled…

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Energy Strategy must set end date for fossil fuels

The Energy Strategy must chart a just and clear path away from our broken fossil fuel energy system that is hurting people and the planet. 

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Scottish Government oppose issuing new oil and gas licences

We welcome the statement that the Scottish Government “does not agree with the UK Government issuing new oil and gas licences”.

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Image of Gorse in Saint Fitticks Park

Campaigners raise ‘serious questions’ about direction of £500million Just Transition Fund

Millions going towards companies, many of which are backed by the fossil fuel industry, plus funding for a contentious project to destroy community greenspace in Aberdeen.

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BP profits show ‘fundamentally broken’ energy system

The oil giant announced £6.9 billion profits in just 3 months. 

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Shell profits show energy system ‘unfit for purpose’

Outrage at the announcement of oil giant Shell’s profits of £9.5billion in just 3 months. 

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