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Committee backs call for consumption targets

The Net Zero, Energy and Transport committee has recommended that the Scottish Government introduces mandatory targets to reduce consumption.

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Parliament fashion show highlights need for a circular economy

Climate and sustainability groups from across Scotland staged a fashion show of upcycled outfits outside the Scottish Parliament to call on MSPs to support the Circular Economy Bill that’s being debated soon.

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Equinor: UK’s biggest gas supplier is profiting from public pain

Climate campaigners have said the announcement of £29billion (US$36.2b) in annual profits showed how the fossil fuel giant Equinor was ‘benefiting from the public’s pain’. The company’s fourth quarter profits…

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dried up lake

World breaches 1.5°C temperature limit for first time

Politicians’ unwillingness to choose the safety of people over the profits of fossil fuel companies has brought us beyond this critical temperature milestone.  

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Action demanded to fix climate blind spot

Climate campaigners are demanding that the new Circular Economy Bill fixes a huge “climate blind spot” by addressing the emissions from goods made overseas but consumed in Scotland.

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UK Government ‘has given up on climate’ after latest oil exploration round

Workers need a real transition plan that can help them shift to secure green jobs, not political stunts that lock us into fossil fuels for longer.

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New waste plan doesn’t go far or fast enough to reduce consumption

It’s encouraging to see that the Scottish Government recognises the role that our unsustainable levels of consumption plays in the climate crisis but this must be matched by a desire to tackle it. 

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COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber speaking from a lectern in front of two flags

Controversial COP28 oil company buys into Scottish carbon capture greenwash project

The UAE oil giant has the biggest fossil fuel expansion plans in the world.

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Polluted politics: Fossil fuel lobbyists met MSPs almost 800 times

The revelations come as concern grows about the corrupting influence of oil companies on Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate breakdown.

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