Report shows no major barriers to packaging deposits scheme
Reacting to the publication of a major study for the Scottish Government’s Zero Waste agency on introducing deposits for packaging, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said:
“This comprehensive report shows that there are no major legal or technical barriers to creating a Scottish scheme of deposits on bottles and cans, and that there would be positive economic benefits. Most people recycle regularly but this kind of scheme has been very successful in other countries in driving up recycling rates to make sure valuable materials are not wasted. We urge the Government to go ahead and develop this kind of scheme as part of their drive towards a Zero Waste Scotland.”
“Many people in Scotland remember collecting Irn-Bru bottles when they were kids to cash in for the deposit. This report shows that we can return to a past idea to make a better future for the environment and the local economy.”
“Smaller stores could opt out but handling fees could make this scheme attractive to many local shops. These proposals could create jobs, reduce needless waste and grow the green economy.”
Notes to Editors
1. The report “Review of feasibility study for a Deposit Return System for Drinks Containers“ is available at http://www.zerowastescotland.org.uk/content/drinks-cash-deposit-scheme-s…
2. There is a Scottish Government debate on a Circular Economy in the Scottish Parliament this afternoon on the following motion:
Circular Economy (Waste Management)—That the Parliament notes the potential opportunities for Scotland of moving toward a more circular economy, in which products and materials are kept in high-value use for as long as possible; recognises that realising the substantial economic and environmental benefits means rethinking the way in which products and services are designed and procured; welcomes the progress made in establishing Resource Efficient Scotland, the Scottish Materials Brokerage Service and the Scottish Institute of Remanufacture, building on the Scottish Government’s Safeguarding Scotland’s Resources strategy, and believes that Scotland should continue to show leadership in this important area while proposals for EU-wide action emerge later this year.
3. Friends of the Earth Scotland is:
* Scotland's leading environmental campaigning organisation
* An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of supporters and active local groups across Scotland
* Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world, uniting over 2 million supporters, 74 national member groups, and some 5,000 local activist groups.