
Climate justice campaigners across Scotland have today marked the start of a ‘Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil Free Future’, by staging demonstrations in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling. The campaigners are calling on local councillors and politicians to end fossil fuels in a way that is ‘Fast, Fair & Forever’.

Photos available of today’s actions in Edinburgh + Glasgow – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uK1QCye8zfY8qzYrQ-ehYcjD2-xXFi4L

Edinburgh demands fossil fuel non-proliferation

In Edinburgh, campaigners from groups including Global Justice Now Scotland and Extinction Rebellion held a banner demonstration and stall to call on the UK and Scottish Governments to support the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and to say no to new fossil fuel projects such as the proposed new gas power station in Peterhead.

Jane Herbstritt from Global Justice Now said:

“‘We urgently need a global plan for a fast and fair phase out of oil, gas and coal production. And this plan needs to be decided on and led by governments – not the fossil fuel industry. That’s why today we are in Edinburgh today calling on First Minister John Swinney to endorse the proposal for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“The global campaign for this ground-breaking treaty proposal is supported by some of the most climate vulnerable countries including Vanuatu in the Pacific Islands, Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies and Colombia in South America. 

“Scotland is a country with a long history of disproportionately contributing climate wrecking emissions from burning fossil fuels – but with incredible renewable energy resources now. This puts us in the best position going forward to encourage a planned global phase out of fossil fuels by championing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

Glasgow calls for Council to divest

In Glasgow, campaigners demonstrated in George Square to call on Glasgow City Council and the Strathclyde Pension Fund to stop investing over £433 million in some of the world’s biggest fossil fuel polluters, including BP, Shell and French oil giant, TotalEnergies. Total is one of the companies responsible for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline which, if completed, could produce more than 379 million tonnes of climate-heating pollution.

Sally Clark, Divestment Campaigner with Friends of the Earth Scotland said:

“With record temperatures and extreme weather around the world, it’s never been more urgent for our councils and the Government to stop funding fossil fuel companies like BP, Shell and TotalEnergies that are driving climate breakdown and injustice around the world. 

“For the sake of our planet, it’s vital for our politicians to divest from fossil fuels and say no to climate-wrecking projects like the Rosebank oil field and the proposed new gas power station in Peterhead. 

“By instead investing in genuine climate solutions like social housing and wind and solar power, we can protect communities and ensure a liveable future for everyone.”

Stirling: ‘no faith in fossil fuels’

Christian Climate Action and Extinction Rebellion Stirling held a peaceful action in the centre of Stirling in solidarity with the Global South. They held banners saying ‘No Faith in Fossil Fuels’ and spoke to the public about two crucial issues they believe can bring a fossil-free future closer. People were urged to sign the petition asking John Swinney to publicly endorse the call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

They were also urging people to sign a petition asking Councils in Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmmananshire to stop investing in fossil fuels for their pension funds. Falkirk Pension Fund has at least £75million invested in fossil fuels.

Val King, farm owner from Stirling said:

“People don’t yet realise their power and agency to tackle the climate emergency, and we can begin to use it to influence our politicians, councils and pension providers by asking them to stop funding fossil fuels.”

Hundreds of thousands will take action worldwide

Over the next week (13 – 20 September), activists in Scotland will join hundreds of thousands of people mobilising in more than 200 protest events, spanning over 50 countries in all continents. 

The Global Week of Action comes as world leaders embark on a series of crucial international climate meetings including the UN General Assembly, the UN Summit of the Future, the Global Renewables Summit and COP29 in Azerbaijan.

The concerted action will raise the pressure on governments to urgently implement a fast, fair and funded phase out of fossil fuels and to commit to paying adequate climate finance for the damage that has already been caused.  

Climate campaigners are warning the UK Government that to be compliant with the goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement, the transition out of oil, gas and coal must be done at a pace and scale required to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5℃. 

However, many Global North countries including the UK continue their fossil fuel expansion and provide billions in fossil fuel subsidies, and even prop up fossil fuel expansion in the Global South with public and private investments. 

There will be actions across the UK throughout the week, led by groups including the Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Global Justice Now Scotland, Extinction Rebellion Scotland, Stop EACOP Edinburgh, Fossil Free London, Fossil Free Parliament, Biofuelwatch and others. 

Tyrone Scott, Senior Movement Building and Activism Officer at War on Want said:

“The UK government’s reliance on oil and gas is worsening climate breakdown with the UK already the second largest oil and gas producer in Europe whilst continuing to expand fossil fuel operations. Now, with a new government in place, we need to raise pressure to ensure they make adequate commitments to tackle the climate crisis. This new government might be better at saying some of the right words when it comes to climate, but their actions must speak louder. We’re taking action over the next week to stand in solidarity with our global movements and partners who are facing the worst effects of climate breakdown.

International Quotes: 

Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of Climate Action Network International, said: 

“We demand action, not empty words. Rich nations call for a transition away from fossil fuels but do little to reduce their own emissions, and instead we are seeing their continued oil, gas and coal expansion. This double standard perpetuates the colonial legacy, and disproportionately devastates communities in the Global South. Africa, Asia, and Latin America & the Caribbean are paying the price with lost lives, destroyed infrastructure, and ruined livelihoods. Rich nations must lead and end the expansion of fossil fuels.”


Notes to Editors

The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels and the #PayUp Climate Finance Campaign are joining forces this September 13 to 20 to hold the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future!

The Global Week of Action includes a series of online and offline mobilisations starting with the #EndFossilFuels Action on September 13 and concluding with the #PayUp for Climate Finance Action on September 20.

The website with more information and map of UK actions can be found here: https://climatejustice.uk/phase-out-pay-up-justice-now/ 

A map of the global protests taking place on September 13 and 20 can be found here: https://payupandphaseout.org

Photos from UK actions over the week will be stored here – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HI0wxuVVIbolffTG_-Gbie41Z0ualqLl?usp=sharing 

Strathclyde Pension Fund investments: https://divest.platformlondon.org/fund/strathclyde

Fossil fuel investments by Council pension funds are available at https://divest.platformlondon.org/

‘Monstrous’ east African oil project will emit vast amounts of carbon, data shows https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/27/east-african-crude-oil-pipeline-carbon

How Lothian Pension Fund increased investments in fossil fuel companies https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/lothian-edinburgh-fossil-fuels-pensions-4734881?r=4216