Trump’s politics of hate not the answer to Planetary Crisis
Commenting ahead of Trump’s visit to Scotland, Young Friends of the Earth Scotland Co-ordinator Kate Whitaker said:
“We are protesting Trump’s visit to Scotland to show that we stand against the the things he represents – hate, fear and climate denial. Trump’s regressive and divisive politics have caused chaos and pain for many thousands of people around the world, particularly in the US. From pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement to caging children at the Mexican border and cutting taxes for the rich, Trump has shown he rules only for corporations and the elite.
“Trump is both a product and a symptom of a hyper-capitalist system that’s not working for people or planet. The answers to the planetary crisis lie not in hatred, fear and division, but in shifting away from unsustainable fossil-fuelled economies to renewable energy powered systems that work for communities and the environment. The strength and creativity of the protest response to Trump’s visit is testament to a growing movement of people power leading the way to a just and sustainable future.”
The EU and other industrialised countries are failing to step up to the challenge of climate change. The Scottish Government’s recently published Climate Change Bill has been widely criticised as failing to deliver on the Paris Agreement.
Whitaker added:
“It’s all too easy for world leaders who talk the talk but are failing to walk the walk to hide their own climate inaction behind Trump’s extremes. It is not enough simply to call out Trump’s rhetoric – we need urgent action here in Scotland, and throughout Europe to cut climate change emissions in the next ten years if we are to avoid the worst of its impacts.”
“Young people are leading some of the strongest resistance to the causes of climate change and destructive fossil fuel economy across the world. From young people taking their governments to court for climate policies that sacrifice their future, to the youth-led climate marches that will take place across the world next weekend, young people, and frontline communities, are leading the fight towards a better future.”
Notes to editors
1. Friends of the Earth Scotland are part of the Scotland United Against Trump Coalition, and is supporting protests in Glasgow on Friday 13 July and Edinburgh on Saturday 14 July.
2. Scotland United Against Trump is a coalition of organisations and individuals that have come together to protest against the policies and politics of Donald Trump. We do not support our governments normalising his politics through cosy state visits and joint policy platforms. We do not support any attempts by our governments to emulate the politics of Trump.
Donald Trump’s presidency is proving to be every bit as dangerous and divisive as we feared. We want to show our support for all those under attack and to reject the rise of this divisive and dangerous politics. We will stand up against hatred, racism, fascism, sexism, homophobia and bigotry wherever and whenever they occur.
Trump directly threatens steps towards tackling climate change, fighting discrimination, inequality, peace and disarmament. At the very moment when the world needs more solidarity, more cooperation and a greater commitment to justice, he proposes to build walls and wants to turn us against each other.
Trump is trying to create a new normal – one where his politics of hate are accepted as an everyday part of life. We’re coming together to say we will protest any attempts by our governments to facilitate this vile politics and under no circumstances will we let it become the normal. We will protest any visit of Trump to Scotland
3. Friends of the Earth Scotland is:
* Scotland’s leading environmental campaigning organisation
* An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of supporters and active local groups across Scotland
* Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world, uniting over 2 million supporters, 75 national member groups, and some 5,000 local activist groups.