Briefing on rising costs of incineration
The cost of incinerating waste is rising for Scottish councils. By 2028, it will cost each council over £1 million more per year, on average, although there will be a lot of variation between councils.
Read our briefings and analysis on key environmental issues
The cost of incinerating waste is rising for Scottish councils. By 2028, it will cost each council over £1 million more per year, on average, although there will be a lot of variation between councils.
In June 2024, the Circular Economy Act was passed, with the aim of creating a circular economy in Scotland through new powers. The first step will be to consult on a circular economy strategy and targets.
Transition minerals are the materials we need to move away from fossil fuels. They are a vital part of the energy transition but the way they are being extracted is harmful to people and worsening climate breakdown. If we don’t rethink the way we use these resources, we risk replacing one destructive energy system with another.
Communities in Scotland are being affected by exploration mining for transition minerals like nickel, copper and zinc.
What is needed is a properly funded transition, led by government and in the public interest, that sees tangible benefits for workers and communities in Scotland.
A briefing drafted by Friends of the Earth Scotland and sent to MSPs ahead of Stage 1 of the Climate Change (Emissions Reductions) BIll.
A briefing for MSPs about the real emissions of the proposed new gas-fired power plant at Peterhead.
The true climate pollution could be five times greater than disclosed by the developers.