Delivering a Just Transition to Net Zero and Climate Resilience
Briefing ahead of a Scottish Parliament Debate on Delivering a Just Transition to Net Zero and Climate Resilience.
To keep the global temperature rise below 1.5℃, a rapid phase out of fossil fuels, towards
renewables must happen this decade. Friends of the Earth Scotland believe the urgent need
to transform our economy in this way is an opportunity to build a fairer and more equal
A Just Transition requires this shift to happen at the pace necessary to avoid climate
catastrophe, while protecting workers’ livelihoods, creating new jobs, and delivering a fairer Scotland. By ensuring impacted workers and communities, their trade unions and
environmentalists are at the table shaping policies, tackling the climate crisis can provide
benefits across the country.
Right now Scotland is failing to deliver a Just Transition. Climate targets have been missed for three consecutive years, the full extent of economic potential in green industries have been squandered and we are yet to see commitments to the policies and finance required to turn this tide.
We urge the Scottish Government to:
1. Get on track to meet emissions reductions targets by developing a robust and credible plan, to meet them that doesn’t rely on unreliable and unproven negative emissions technologies.
2. Commit to a rapid and fair phase out of North Sea oil and gas production over the next decade, in line with 1.5ºC.
3. Just Transition Plans for key sectors must set targets for decarbonisation, investment and job creation alongside policies to demonstrate how they will be reached.
4. Support workers in the oil and gas industry to transition into renewables.
5. Urgently take forward the recommendations of the previous Just Transition Commission.