AGM Motion form
Putting forward a motion is a way to have a policy or issue you care about debated by the members of Friends of the Earth Scotland.
Any member can raise a motion, which must then be seconded by another member. If you have a motion you would like to raise, but you don’t know another member willing to second this, please contact us at the email below and we may be able to help.
Your motion will be available for members to read ahead of the AGM. At the AGM you will be asked to say a little bit about the motion and why you believe it is important for Friends of the Earth Scotland to adopt it as a position. There will then be time for questions and debate, before the members present at the AGM vote on whether to approve it.
Approved motions will then be taken into consideration when shaping the work of Friends of the Earth Scotland.
To submit a motion, download this form, fill it in and send it to agm@foe.scot by 25 May.