Template objections to Dart CBM development at Airth
Dart Energy has progressed its plans for the first commercial production of coalbed methane (CBM) in Scotland by submitting planning applications to Falkirk and Stirling Council for 14 new wells and a network of pipelines at Airth.
It is of great concern that this project could be developed before a comprehensive review of the full life cycle environmental and health impacts of unconventional gas extraction has been undertaken, and before environmental regulations have caught up with the new technologies proposed.
Use the templates here to object now!
Please take a few minutes to look at and comment on Dart Energy’s plans to develop coalbed methane at Airth. The development falls into two local authority areas so remember to send your comments to. If you live in Falkirk or Stirling Councils your voice is particularly important, but this is a major development that could set a precedent across the country so all voices should be heard.
The deadline for neighbours to object to the plans is 5 October and 16 October for other consultees for Falkirk and 9 October at Stirling. However, Council officials have indicated that comments tend to be taken for some time after the official deadlines.
If you need a bit of help, you can download template objections here for Falkirk and Stirling (they are identical except for planning reference and brief sections relating to Local Plans).
To find out more about the plans and to comment online (easiest!):
Falkirk: http://eplanning.falkirk.gov.uk/online/ and search for P/12/0521/FUL and click on ‘Make a public comment’
Stirling: http://tinyurl.com/stirlingplanning and search for 12/00576/FUL you then need to log in.
You can post a letter to:
Falkirk: John Milne, Planning Officer, Falkirk Council, Municipal Building, West Bridge Street, Falkirk FK1 5RS
Stirling: Jack McGowan, Planning Officer, Stirling Council, Viewforth 14-20 Pitt Terrace, Stirling FK8 2ET