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Green Foundations 2009

Launched at the House of Commons, the report draws on new evidence and research that substantiates a positive interaction between high quality environmental regulation and economic growth – enabling companies…

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Time to Act on Climate Change

Scottish Environment LINK (LINK) – the liaison body for Scotland’s voluntary sector environmental bodies – believes that urgent action on climate change is needed now, and wants to play a constructive…

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Time to act on climate change – A clarion call from Scotland’s environmental movement

This report identifies environmental changes already happening in Scotland and suggests ways that we should respond and adapt to the challenges we already face, as well as looking forward to…

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Cashing in on Coal

There has never been a clearer global consensus about the urgent need for large cuts in carbon emissions as soon as possible if the most catastrophic impacts of climate change…

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Better Regulation for a Sustainable Built Environment

This report finds that, despite ambitious Government targets, current policy and regulation is fragmented, inconsistent and poorly applied. The report also urges Government to do more to address the performance…

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Better Regulation for a Sustainable Built Environment

The built environment is the fabric within which most of us in the UK lead our daily lives.  Our homes, offices, schools, hospitals, leisure facilities, public buildings, and the infrastructure…

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Trading for Growth: The role of EU ETS in cutting emissions and stimulating wealth creation

The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is undoubtedly the single most important policy instrument for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, if not the world. This briefing by…

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Carbon Costs: Corporate Carbon Accounting and Reporting

Climate change is the single biggest environmental challenge we face. Whilst the changes and costs become ever clearer, we are only just starting to get to grips with what needs…

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The Oil & Gas Bank: RBS & the financing of climate change

The Royal Bank of Scotland is the primary UK bank financing new extraction of the fossil fuels whose use is accelerating the planet’s atmosphere towards its climatic tipping point. Despite…

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