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Scottish Planning Review – our response to a Call for Evidence

At the end of 2015 the Scottish Government launched a review of planning. The scope of the review is very wide ranging and we have fed in to recommend that…

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Air Pollution Parliamentary Briefing

In advance of a debate brought forward by Labour about air pollution for 18th November, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, British Heart Foundation Scotland and Transform Scotland briefed…

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Response to Consultation on Air Quality Plans to Meet EU Limit Values for Nitrogen Dioxide (No2) in Scotland

Air pollution is causing a public health crisis in Scotland. It is responsible for thousands of early deaths each year and reduces the quality of life for many more, especially…

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Response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Circular Economy

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the Making Things Last consultation from the Scottish Government, as well as the Government's effort to make Scotland a leading region in Europe in…

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Demand Climate Justice! The Road to Paris and Beyond

2015 is a crucial year in the fight against climate change.  This December world leaders will meet at the UN climate change talks in Paris to conclude negotiations for a…

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Local government pensions, fossil fuels and the transition to a new economy

This report was published with UK partners as part of our campaign to encourage local government pension schemes to go fossil free. Local governments in the UK have pension funds…

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Climate Factsheets: Equity and INDCs

Climate change is a complex topic. Terms such as 'equity', 'historical responsibility', 'INDCs' and 'fair shares' are used during climate negotiations and in the media coverage around them. Friends of…

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Community Power Parliamentary briefing

Scottish Parliament briefing ahead of Community Energy Fortnight debate on 15th September.  “Community Power – Building on Success”  

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Objection to large supermarket proposal on Edinburgh’s most polluted road

Read our full objection to Realis' proposal for a supermarket proposal with a huge car park on Edinburgh's most polluted stretch of road.  You can object online until close of…

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