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FoES & ELCS Parliamentary Briefing on the Court Reform Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Environmental Law Centre Scotland briefing to Parliament ahead of the Stage 1 debate on the Court Reform (Scotland) Bill. 

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Policy on Population

After a consultation with members the Board of FoE Scotland adopted this policy on population in May 2014.

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FoES Parliamentary Briefing on Unconventional Gas and Fracking

Friends of the Earth Scotland Parliamentary briefing on unconventional gas and fracking ahead of the Green Party debate on Climate Change and Energy, motion S4M-09927.

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Frack Free Europe Pledge

MEP candidate declaration of opposition to unconventional fossil fuels, fracking and free trade agreements.  The text of the pledge is below, and on word doc attached. Please sign and return…

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2014 matters

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FoES and ELCS evidence to the Justice Committee on Court Reform Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Environmental Law Centre Scotland evidence to the Justice Committee on the Court Reform(Scotland) Bill consultation.   

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FoES Parliamentary Briefing on Unconventional Gas and Fracking

Friends of the Earth Scotland Parliamentary briefing on unconventional gas and fracking ahead of the debate on National Planning Framework 3 and Scottish Planing Policy. There is a growing body of…

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FoES Parliamentary Briefing on Air Pollution

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing on Air Pollution ahead of Parliamentary debate, 12 March 2014. Air pollution remains Scotland’s greatest environmental health threat, and EU and Scottish legal standards…

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FoES submission to Scottish Government Expert Scientific Panel on Unconventional Gas

Friends of the Earth Scotland were asked to present evidence to the Scottish Government’s Expert Scientific Panel on Unconventional Gas. You can read our submission below.For more information about the…

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