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Fuel Poverty – Reducing it in your area

A guide to fuel poverty. What is it, why it’s bad and how to reduce it in your area.    

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Supporting local food – a community guide

A guide for community groups or individuals who want to support sustainable local food networks in their area.  

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Reducing Waste: community guide

A guide for community groups and individuals on reducing waste in your area.  

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Unconventional Gas Briefing

Briefing for Parliamentarians on fracking and unconventional gas in Scotland. Download the briefing.

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Response to the Taylor Review consultation on the expenses and funding of civil litigation in Scotland

Joint Friends of the Earth Scotland and Environmental Law Centre Scotland response to the Taylor Review consultation on the expenses and funding of civil litigation in Scotland. The cost of…

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Renewables Inquiry Response

Friends of the Earth Scotland response to the Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee’s Inquiry into the achievability of Scotland’s renewable targets. Download the briefing.

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Climate Justice

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing for parliamentarians ahead of a Scottish Government debate on climate justice. Download the briefing.

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Green Investment Bank

Joint Friends of the Earth Scotland and World Development Movement briefing ahead of the Scottish Government debate on the Green Investment Bank. Download the briefing

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Response to OFGEM’s Project Transmit consultation on transmission charging

Project Transmit is OFGEM’s consultation reviewing the cost of supply electricity to the grid. The current regime discriminates against renewable providers who are not close to the demand centres, for…

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