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Response to Scottish Water consultation

Friends of the Earth Scotland response to the consultation on Scottish Water entitled Hydro Nation.  This short response is in addition to Scottish Environment LINK’s response and deals primarily with…

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Briefing on fuel duty debate

A joint Friends of the Earth Scotland, Transform Scotland, WWF and Sustrans briefing ahead of the Scottish Government’s parliamentary debate on fuel duty. Download the briefing

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Response to Zero Waste consultation

Friends of the Earth Scotland response to the Scottish Government’s consultation Implementing Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan: Regulatory Measures to Require Separate Collection of Waste Materials, and Restrict Disposal in Landfill…

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Sharing the benefits of Scotland’s next energy revolution

Friends of the Earth Scotland formal response to the Scottish Government consultation on Securing the Benefits of Scotland’s Next Energy Revolution. Download the briefing  

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Briefing for parliamentary debate on Energy Bill LCM

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing ahead of the parliamentary debate on the legislative consent motion for the UK Energy Bill. Download the briefing

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Briefing on Loganswell incinerator

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing for a Parliamentary private members debate on the proposed Loganswell incinerator in East Renfrewshire. Download the briefing

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Companies’ Obligations to Respect Human Rights Abroad

Joint statement of Friends of the Earth International and a host of other organisations commenting on the UN’s “Draft Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the UN protect, respect and…

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States’ Obligations to Respect and Protect Human Rights Abroad

Joint statement of Friends of the Earth International and a host of other organisations commenting on the UN’s “Draft Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the UN protect, respect and…

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Stop Climate Chaos Scotland Briefing on the Public Engagement Strategy

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s briefing in response to the Scottish Government’s Public Engagement Strategy on climate change. Download the briefing

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