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Submission to Consultation for Edinburgh Airport outline Master Plan Draft

This response is submitted jointly by Friends of the Earth Scotland and TRANSform Scotland, who welcome the opportunity to comment on the consultative draft outline Master Plan. However, we consider…

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Forth Estuary Transport Authority – Local Transport Strategy – Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

This submission to the Forth Estuary Transport Authority’s consultation regarding a new Forth crossing highlights the pitfalls of the proposal and offers alternatives to the problem of congestion on the…

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Say Yes to Less campaign briefing

Edinburgh Council is developing proposals to transform the city’s transport system, including the introduction of congestion charging. This campaign briefing explains why something needs to change. Say Yes to Less…

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Executive debate on Transport campaign briefing

This joint briefing from Friends of the Earth Scotland & TRANSform Scotland indicates key arguments and points of information about the changes needed to our transport infrastructure. Executive debate on…

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The Future Development of Air Transport in the United Kingdom: Scotland. Consultation Response from Friends of the Earth Scotland

Friends of the Earth Scotland are very concerned about the environmental impact of air transport and in particular the threats posed if the Government is to adopt a ‘predict and…

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Response to Air Transport Consultation

A joint letter to Iain Gray MSP, Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning, from Friends of the Earth Scotland, TRANSform Scotland, Airport Watch and Railfuture Scotland. Response to Air…

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Response to Central Scotland Transport Corridor Study Plans

It is clear that there are still problems with the funding of public transport in Scotland that are yet to be answered. Local authorities appear reluctant to spend money on…

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Transport (Scotland) Bill – a briefing from TRANSform Scotland and Friends of the Earth Scotland

This Transport Bill is being debated in the same week that we are hearing reports of Arctic ice receding to its greatest extent since records began and the Environment Agency…

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