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Climate Factsheets: Equity and INDCs

Climate change is a complex topic. Terms such as 'equity', 'historical responsibility', 'INDCs' and 'fair shares' are used during climate negotiations and in the media coverage around them. Friends of…

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Emissions Reductions Reporting by Scottish Local Authorities

This study examines reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by Scottish local authorities. It shows that their reporting on emissions reductions under the public bodies duty in the Climate Change Act…

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Climate Activism Calendar

In a big year for campaigning on climate change we have plenty of stuff in store. This is a current list of actions and events planned for 2015. Get in…

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Submission on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to the European and External Affairs Committee

Evidence submitted in advance of witness session to the Scottish Parliament's European & External Affairs Committee on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  Uses examples of threats to climate…

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Invitation to attend ICLEI workshop on community energy, Edinburgh, 25th Sep

Click below to download the invitation attached.  Local decision-makers, planners, local government associations / networks and energy agencies are invited to participate in this free workshop addressing potential for roll-out…

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2014 matters

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Climate Justice

Friends of the Earth Scotland briefing for parliamentarians ahead of a Scottish Government debate on climate justice. Download the briefing.

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Scotland’s contribution to the UN Climate Summit

Freinds of the Earth Scotland briefing ahead of the Scottish Government debate on Scotland’s contribution to the UK Climate Summit. Download the briefing.

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SCCS Evidence to Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee on Budget and Spending Review

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s evidence to the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee on the Budget and Spending Review. Download the evidence.

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