Response to the ECCLR Committee on a Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland
Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to a call for evidence on the Deposit Return Scheme from the Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change, and Land Reform Committee (ECCLR). We would like the Deposit Return Scheme to:
- Include as wide a range of materials as possible from the start, including PET plastic bottles, glass bottles, aluminium and steel drinks cans. We would also like to see it expanded to other plastics like HDPE and cartons.
- Allow the public to return drinks containers to any shops, not just the location it was purchased from.
- Include online retailers so those in remote locations or with accessibility issues can participate in the scheme.
- Set a minimum deposit level of 20p.
- Ensure there is just transition to new employment opportunities in local communities where there is a move away from employment associated with recycling and litter collection due to DRS.