Stopping plans for a new gas burning power station at Peterhead – civil society briefing
A briefing for civil society organisations outlining the risks posed by plans for a new gas burning power station at Peterhead.
Briefing Summary
SSE and Equinor have submitted a planning application for a new and additional gas burning power station with a carbon capture at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.
Friends of the Earth Scotland believes the development poses a significant risk to Scotland’s climate and emission reduction targets and to a just transition for workers and communities.
The Peterhead power site is already Scotland’s single biggest polluter. To limit warming to 1.5°C the Scottish Government cannot allow a major emitter to get even worse.
Workers in high polluting sectors cannot wait on speculative technologies with a track record of failure. A just transition for workers means secure, stable, well-paid jobs in fields we know will reduce our carbon emissions, such as renewables and energy efficiency, and making that transition now.
Offshore storage of carbon entrenches the exploitation of our seas and oceans from continued use of disruptive and polluting oil and gas infrastructure and runs the risks of leaks, damage to sensitive marine life and ocean acidification.
Gambling on an unproven technology to reduce our emissions puts us on the path to climate and environmental chaos. The most effective way to reduce carbon emissions is not to create them in the first place by stopping burning fossil fuels.
The application is now with Scottish Government Ministers for decision. Friends of the Earth Scotland urges Ministers to reject the application and focus instead on building Scotland’s renewable energy future and a just transition for workers and communities.