
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives and one area of particular concern is the impact on our global food systems.

Coronavirus has compounded the existing injustice of the industrial food system – which left billions malnourished and ecosystems destroyed. Now we are seeing the rise of a food crisis facing millions of people particularly in the Global South, while huge mountains of crops are rotting in fields.

The international response has been to push for more free trade, but this is a key part of the problem in the long term.

In this webinar, we will be joined by Kirtana Chandrasekaran, Food Sovereignty Programme Coordinator from Friends of the Earth International. Kirtana will talk about how the industrial global food system has been discredited by the pandemic, and how a global recovery plan needs to have food sovereignty at the heart.

We also hear from Roz Corbett of the Landworkers Alliance – a UK based union of farmers, growers, foresters and land-based workers, who talked about the impact of coronavirus that we are seeing in this country.

Webinar: Coronavirus and global food system
Thursday 30th April