What went wrong with the banks and how to fix it
The Libor scandal has opened up some political space to push for a real shake up of our banking system.
To inject some fresh thinking into discussions we have made an interactive presentation, which summarises some of the key problems and proposals raised at the Just Banking conference.
The appetite for change is growing. Since January half a million customers have voted with their feet and moved their money out of the big five banks and into local, mutual and ethical alternatives.
Thousands signed petitions launched
last week calling for a Leveson-style judicial inquiry into banking.
And last night’s Newsnight special on ‘our broken model of banking’ covered a range of radical proposals – from abolishing leverage and turning all banks into mutuals, to setting up a state investment bank to provide ‘counter cyclical lending’ and ‘patient courageous capital’ to SMEs.
Let’s keep up this momentum, and raise the bar of public debate. Send your thoughts on twitter with the JustBanking hashtag!