
Fuel poverty and climate groups protested outside energy giant SSE’s offices as households face rising energy bills due to the 6.4% rise in the Energy Price Cap, largely due to wholesale gas prices.
Fuel Poverty Action, Extinction Rebellion Glasgow, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Unite Community branches protested outside the company’s Glasgow city centre offices on Monday (24/2) evening. 

PHOTOS https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WmBL1D0WgOJK_P3F7A1gpYEjaYqb_dHg?usp=drive_link 

Energy regulator Ofgem today announced a rise of £111 in average household energy bills, which it made clear was due to “our reliance on international gas markets leads to volatile wholesale prices, and continues to drive up bills”.

In 2023 an estimated 34% (around 861,000 households) of all households in Scotland were in fuel poverty, with 491,000 households in extreme fuel poverty. 
SSE have made £8 billion in profits since the start of the energy price crisis. The company operates 14 fossil fuel power plants in the UK + Ireland and generates the majority of its energy output from burning gas.  

Dylan McAllister, a member of Fuel Poverty Action Glasgow, said:

”Millions of people have suffered this winter in cold damp homes – and coming into spring the future doesn’t look much brighter, with Ofgem set to wave through yet another bill increase. Ofgem have signed off on profits for shareholders and huge pay packets for energy bosses – but when it comes to protecting us from being ripped off they’re nowhere to be seen.

“They’ve failed to scrap cruel standing charges despite the clear verdict of their own consultation, and failed to tackle hugely inflated electricity prices, four times more expensive than gas. With Ofgem under government review, it’s time to make regulation work for ordinary people, not the interests of private energy firms. Nearly 70,000 people have signed a new petition calling for just that.”

Climate campaigners are also warning that SSE’s proposals  to build a new power station at Peterhead that burns gas to generate electricity would lock people in Scotland for years into higher bills driven by the international price of gas. 

Despite these concerns, the Scottish Government is considering approving the controversial project which could operate until 2059, well past the 2045 ‘net zero’ target for Scotland. The addition of carbon capture to power plants could further increase the cost of electricity with the additional levies added to bills to pay for the £22billion handout to the technology by the UK Government.  

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: 

“Burning expensive gas to generate electricity will leave us all more vulnerable to international price shocks like we have suffered in recent years. The sure-fire way to bring down bills is a mass programme of home energy efficiency and powering our lives using affordable renewable energy that is run in the public interest.  

“Families across Scotland will rightly be worried about another increase in energy bills due to the global price of gas, so it is mind blowing that Scottish Government Ministers are considering locking people further into this exploitative system.  The only beneficiaries from a new gas burning power station at Peterhead will be greedy energy companies like SSE who have been lobbying hard for its approval. 

“In fact, costly technology like the carbon capture proposed at Peterhead will be subsidised through additional levies on household energy bills, and its consistent failures around the world show it is wasting precious time and money. 

“Even if new gas wasn’t such an awful deal for consumers, this project should not go ahead because of the enormous climate pollution it will inevitably bring. Building new fossil fuel infrastructure will take us in entirely the wrong direction, undermines a just transition and keeps power in the hands of companies who have been allowed to exploit us for too long.” 

Energy price cap will rise by 6.4% from April

In 2023 an estimated 34% (around 861,000 households) of all households in Scotland were in fuel poverty, with 491,000 households in extreme fuel poverty.
Scottish House Condition Survey: 2023 Key Findings

Energy firms profits tracker from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition – SSE have £8.3 billion in pretax profit since 2020.

Carbon Tracker analysis revealed that the Peterhead gas project could be burning gas until 2059. The project could create five times more carbon pollution that admitted in the planning application.

The Westminster Public Accounts Committee questioned the £22 billion for carbon capture as a “high risk gamble” and highlighted how three quarters of this money would come from levies on energy bills

In early 2022 SSE and Equinor submitted a planning application for a new gas burning power station with carbon capture at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. The application is for an additional plant alongside the existing Peterhead gas burning power station, which SEPA figures show is repeatedly amongst Scotland’s biggest climate polluters.
The development poses a significant risk to Scotland’s climate commitments and will undermine a just transition for workers and communities. The Scottish Government will make the decision whether to approve this project and lock households into reliance on fossil fuels for energy for the next 35 years.
44 NGOs representing climate and fuel poverty groups wrote to the Scottish Minister in May 2024 urging them to reject the planning application saying it would maintain the current energy system which is “dominated by exploitative fossil fuel companies who are benefitting off ordinary people’s hardship.”

SSE was recently forced into redoing its assessment of the climate harm from the project after expert research showed that the Peterhead proposals would create 1 million more tonnes of climate pollution than the company had admitted in its planning application to the Scottish Government.

Fuel Poverty Action campaigns to protect people from fuel poverty. We challenge rip-off energy companies and unfair policies that leave people to endure cold homes. We take action for warm, well-insulated homes and clean and affordable energy, under the control of people and communities, not private companies.

Extinction Rebellion Scotland is a non-violent direct-action movement formed to take urgent action in the face of climate emergency and ecological catastrophe, as part of the global justice movement.

Unite’s mission is fighting for jobs, pay and conditions and to organise people to strive for a society that places equality, dignity and respect above all else. Our union also recognises that we can only achieve this if we bring people together from all walks of life.
It is with this in mind that Unite has founded its community membership scheme, making us the leading community trade union in the UK and Ireland. Those not in employment are welcomed into the union family, adding another dimension to our strength in thousands of workplaces across the UK and Ireland.
Organising and activism are at the centre of strong communities, which is why Unite’s community membership provides a way people can find and use their political voice. Whether it is taking a stand against a service closure or coming together to improve your living environment, as a community member, Unite will be on your side.

Friends of the Earth Scotland is:
* Scotland’s leading environmental campaigning organisation
* An independent Scottish charity with a network of thousands of supporters and active local groups across Scotland
* Part of the largest grassroots environmental network in the world, uniting over 2 million supporters, 73 national member groups, and 5,000 local activist groups.