
Energy giant SSE feeling the heat from its Peterhead power station plans

SSE’s marketing as a green and progressive company has been exposed as greenwash.

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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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SSE is pulling the wool over your eyes!

People protested SSE’s fossil fuel expansion plans as the company announced £2.4billion annual profits.

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Equinor AGM protest: resisting new fossil fuels

The Norwegian oil giant’s plan to build new fossil fuel infrastructure both on and offshore must be stopped.

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Protest group in front of bute house

Bute House protest demands First Minister stick to climate target commitments

The climate movement was protesting the decision to scrap Scotland’s vital 2030 climate targets.

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man holding two signs

5 reasons carbon capture should not be relied upon to meet climate commitments

CCS has a long history of failure and is used by the oil industry as a greenwashing tactic.

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The destruction of Palestine’s environment 

The war in Gaza has created a human and environmental catastrophe in what was one of the world’s poorest and most densely populated places.

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Interview with Joy Reyes, Friends of the Earth Philippines

We spoke to Joy to find out more about her work in the Philippines and how she’s finding climate activism in Scotland so far.

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Tips to cut your consumption this Christmas

In this guide, we’ll explore practical and meaningful ways to cut your consumption during the festive season, without losing out on any Christmas cheer.

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