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The SNP manifesto’s climate and nature policies – the verdict

Does the SNP have good green policies? We’ve analysed their 2024 manifesto to find out if they deserve yo

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Scotland’s new circular economy law

MSPs have voted to approve Scotland’s new circular economy law! Parliament has taken over a year to scrutinise and review the new law, and the final debate took place yesterday…

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Dozens of organisations demand Scottish Ministers reject polluting Peterhead gas plans

Pressure is growing on the Scottish Government to reject plans that would lock in climate pollution and high energy bills. 

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Richard Dixon steps down after decade at helm

Richard Dixon leaves Friends of the Earth Scotland as Director after one of the most successful in the organisation’s 40+ years history.

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30 years of progress is still not enough

Reflections on 30 years in the environmental movement – looking at welcome but insufficient progress.

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Warnings from a warming planet

Record-breaking temperatures at the poles and warnings about Amazon rainforest tipping point show a planet in danger

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What war in Ukraine means for energy

The terrible war in Ukraine is being used by opponents of green energy to promote more oil and gas, new nuclear and even fracking. None of which makes the slightest sense.

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Climate Change – it’s worse than you thought

The latest IPCC climate report warns of the impact of rising temperatures on billions of vulnerable people around the world.

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The idiocy of climate compatible oil and gas

The UK Government’s plan is a scam designed to enable business as usual for oil and gas drilling.

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MPs miss opportunity to remove barrier to energy transition

MPs voted against the plan to cut training costs and duplication for people wanting to move into renewable energy.

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Review must see an end to incineration in Scotland

From health impacts and issues of equality to climate concerns and competition with recycling there are plenty of reasons to say no to more incinerators.

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Windfall tax on oil profits is only the start

A windfall tax on oil profits can help with immediate fuel bills but we must power our energy system with renewables to protect people and planet.

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