Friends of the Earth Scotland presents…. Pop-Up Parks
What would our streets look like if they were built for people, not private cars? This June, together we can reimagine and reclaim our streets!
Parking Space takeovers
What would our streets look like if they were built for people not private cars?
In the days around National Clean Air Day we are making a bold and loud challenge to the dominance of the private car in our cities and towns. Air pollution kills over 2500 people early in Scotland every year, partly because of poorly designed transport networks and an overabundance of parking.
This has created favouritism of the car at the expense of walking, cycling, and using public transport. We want to flip this on its head!
We want as many people as possible to reimagine and reclaim the streets by turning parking spaces into Pop Up Parks. Together we can showcase how brilliant, healthy and inspiring our urban realms could look if we had car-free city centres. They could be changed if we took spaces away from vehicles for cycle lanes, pavements, and public space.
Parking Day in Seattle. Photo by Rob Ketcherside
Where & When
Sat 16 June, 11am- 2pm, George Street, Edinburgh
We have secured permission from the Council to suspend 20 parking spaces between Castle Street and Frederick Street on George Street. We are currently in discussions with the Council to develop the spaces into something special. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in grabbing a spot. Email ehanna@foe.scot for more information.
Why not create your own event in your local area?
Each parking space is an opportunity for you to share your urban vision, to reclaim your street, to get your community active about sustainability and clean air. We will be updating this page with details on how to do this in your area, so stay tuned. You can apply to us for money to help you secure the spot and buy some crafty materials for your area.
Pop up park in Munich. Photo by IDTP-Europe
How to Apply
This section will be updated with information about how to legally apply to your Council for permission to run a pop up park. If you are interested in the meantime, please email Emilia on ehanna@foe.scot
Funding for your Pop Up Park
Friends of the Earth Scotland can also provide £50 of funding for ten groups to run local events. This should cover the cost of the parking suspension, with money left over to decorate your space. You must complete our risk assessment form as part of your funding application.
Risk Assessment
We are asking all interested groups to complete a risk assessment, and will upload this onto this page shortly.
Under 16?
As you will technically be putting yourself in the road, we must caution against this being a child-friendly event. There is an element of risk involved in making use of a space which is usually occupied by traffic. So we would discourage you bringing children under 16 to your pop up-park.