Local Groups
Local groups are a vital part of our national work and are effective campaign groups in their own right. Our local groups are run by dedicated volunteers, and open to anyone to join. Why not find out if there is a local group near you?
If there’s a Friends of the Earth Scotland Local Group near you, get in touch to get involved in your area.
Friends of the Earth Aberdeen is active as part of Aberdeen Climate Action. Co-ordinator: Gregor McAbery. Facebook page | gregor.mcabery [@] me.com | 07785 398 448
FoE Dumfries holds occasional public meetings, and meets as an organising group near Dunscore as and when required. Co-ordinator: Debbie Hamilton. Facebook page | foe.dumfries [@] gmx.co.uk | 01387 264 241
East Lothian
FoE East Lothian are campaigning on divesting from fossil fuels, transport, energy and for a pesticide-free East Lothian. Usually meet between 10:30-12:30 on the first Saturday of month in Haddington, check their Facebook page for latest information! Facebook page | foeeastlothian [@] gmail.com
FoE Edinburgh holds public meetings, and meets as an organising group as and when required. They have their meetings at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Facebook page | edinburghfoe [@] gmail.com | @FoeEdinburgh
FoE Falkirk is an active group which holds monthly meetings throughout the year, check Facebook for details. They also organise regular ‘Soup and Stovies’ community socials. Co-ordinator: Norman Philip. Facebook page | Website | norman.philip [@] btopenworld.com
Meets every last Wednesday of the month at The Blether-In, West High Street, Forfar at 7pm. Contact: marilyn.reid1 [at] outlook.com
FoE Glasgow usually meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except July) at 7.30pm at 25 Springfield Road, Bishopbriggs. Please contact to confirm meetings details before attending. Co-ordinator: Sara Barry. Facebook page | Website (Tumblr) | sara.barry1 [@] ntlworld.com | 0141 334 1050 | @foeglasgow
FoE Inverness & Ross holds occasional public meetings, and meets as an organising group as and when required. Co-ordinator: Anne Thomas. Facebook group | keeptheheatincampaign [@] gmail.com | 01463 731 303
We are working with some local people to restart FoE Midlothian. If you would be interested in getting involved please contact: activism@foe.scot. Facebook page
FoE Renfrewshire is working on local council divestment, public transport access and carbon saving workshops. Facebook page | foerenfrewshire [@] gmail.com | Instagram | @foerenfrewshire
FoE Stirling holds occasional public meetings, and meets as an organising group as and when required. Co-ordinator: Jon Preston. Facebook page | jonpreston42 [@] yahoo.co.uk
FoE Tayside campaigns on a range of local and national issues, most recently to have the Circular Economy Bill strengthened and to oppose a big development which conflicts with the new National Planning Framework. We work closely with a range of other local environmental groups on campaigns and raising public awareness.
We have changed to a flexible pattern of meetings at various venues, so please check for the latest information: Co-ordinator: Andy Llanwarne. Facebook page | Website | andyllanwarne [at] hotmail.com | 01382 732 457