
The Scottish Parliament will today begin the ‘humiliating process’ of debating legislation that will scrap critical 2030 targets to reduce climate emissions.

Ahead of the Stage 1 debate, climate campaigners have said Ministers must bring forward new climate action that will improve lives and cut pollution.

The Scottish Government missed 9 out of 13 annual targets since 2009 and has been accused of ‘breaking a promise’ to voters on climate commitments.

In recent months, the leadership of John Swinney and Kate Forbes has rolled back on multiple climate policies, weakening its stance on new fossil fuels, bringing back peak train fares, slashing funding for safer cycling and environmental restoration schemes.

The controversial choice by the Scottish Government to scrap the climate targets was described as the “worst environmental decision in the history of the Scottish Parliament” when it was announced in April 2024.

15 years of insufficient action brings to a ‘shameful moment’

Friends of the Earth Scotland head of campaigns Imogen Dow commented,

“The Scottish Government today begins the humiliating process of scrapping its critical climate commitments. 15 years of insufficient action from Scottish Ministers has brought us to this shameful moment which breaks a promise to the Scottish public and to people on the frontlines of climate breakdown.

“This abdication of responsibility comes despite the ever-worsening evidence of extreme weather and climate breakdown that is endangering lives on every continent. Scotland is a nation who has become wealthy from fossil fuels and that has both the resources and capability to go further and faster than other countries in cutting climate pollution.

“Political time and energy is being wasted on changing the law instead of implementing the transformative changes so desperately needed. The Scottish Government should be rolling out policies that are popular and will improve lives such as better public transport, ensuring every home is well insulated and delivering a credible transition plan that can help oil workers into secure green jobs.

“The record of cuts and backsliding on climate action we’ve witnessed in recent months under John Swinney and Kate Forbes show that this Government is not interested in getting its climate action getting back on track.”

Notes to Editors

Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill Stage 1 debate scheduled for Thursday 10 October afternoon https://bb.parliament.scot/#20241010

Scottish Government Climate Change Bill published https://www.gov.scot/news/climate-change-bill-published/

FoES reaction to the announcement that 2030 targets would be scrapped (April 2024) https://foe.scot/press-release/climate-targets-scrapped-worst-decision-in-the-history-of-the-scottish-parliament/

All the parties in the Scottish Parliament voted in favour of the 75% emission reduction target by 2030 when the Climate Act was strengthened in 2019 – at the time the Greens were calling for 80% by the same date. Climate scientists are clear that there must be urgent action to bring down emissions within this decade

UK Government opinion surveys regularly show at least 80% of the public are concerned about climate change


The Scottish Government are still considering an application from energy giants SSE and Equinor to build a new gas-fired power station at Peterhead in Aberdeenshire, in addition to the existing gas plant.