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BBC air pollution investigation shows Scottish Government must invest in walking and cycling to improve public health

A BBC Scotland documentary to be aired tonight highlights the huge public health impacts of our car usage showing how air pollution leads to heart problems and at least 2,000…

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Reaction to report recommending Heathrow Airport expansion

Responding to today’s Airports Commission report, which has recommended a new runway at Heathrow whilst leaving the door open to Gatwick expansion, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the…

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House of Commons Report Slams Failure to Clean up Toxic Air Pollution

Today the House of Commons has published a damning report on UK air pollution which slams the Government’s failure to tackle air pollution across the UK and Scotland as “unacceptable”.[1]…

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Glasgow Cycle Hire Scheme will Boost Health and Reduce Pollution

On the day of the launch (Tuesday 24 June) of the first Cycle Hire Scheme in Glasgow, environmental campaigners have welcomed the scheme.   Friends of the Earth Glasgow Coordinator…

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Welcome for Edinburgh trams

On the day that Edinburgh’s tram system will carry its first passengers, Dr Richard Dixon, Director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “I have no doubt that Edinburgh’s trams…

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Glasgow Transport Plans Must Step Up to Deliver Clean Air

As a public consultation on transport plans for Glasgow’s city centre closes this Saturday, campaign group Friends of the Earth Scotland warns that the plans do not go far enough…

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Air pollution peak hotspots revealed

The Government has released official figures which show that air pollution “spikes” on some of Scotland’s busiest streets breached Scottish standards in 2013, creating immediate health risks. (1) Environment group…

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Shocking death toll from air pollution at local level revealed

Air Pollution has been linked to 2094 deaths every year in regions across Scotland, with a total of nearly 22,500 life-years lost, new statistics for every council area in Scotland…

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Price of motoring must reflect human cost of driving

Reacting to Reform Scotland’s “Pay as your drive – the road to a better future” Report which calls for current motoring taxes to be scrapped and replaced by a fairer…

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