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Oil & gas industry support must deliver just transition away from fossil fuels

Oil and Gas industry is failing to deliver for people and planet – any government support must deliver a Just Transition away from fossil fuels.

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UN Glasgow climate summit delayed until 2021

Given the worldwide health dangers of coronavirus, it is understandable that the UN climate negotiations in Glasgow have been delayed.

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Scottish Parliament

Coronavirus delay to Scottish Government Climate Change Plan ‘understandable’

Coronavirus shows how important it is that climate action tackles existing inequalities and protects the most vulnerable

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Walk, Cycle, Vote - Glasgow - Sat 17 December 2016 - (photographer Andy Catlin) -6622

Scottish Budget announcement a strong step towards changing transport

Deal secures free bus travel for young people and extra funding for walking & cycling.

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Transport statistics show political capitulation to cars

Official figures show Scotland going the wrong direction on climate emissions from transport.

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Scottish Parliament

Scottish Budget: Timid tinkering fails to deliver a Climate Emergency response

The Scottish Government’s climate emergency budget fails to deliver the action needed to bring down emissions, say environmental campaigners.

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‘Reckless’ road spending plans must be redirected in climate emergency

The Scottish Budget should stop spending billions on new roads, re-directing money to public transport, walking and cycling.

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Scottish Government must take immediate and decisive action to cut Scotland’s emissions, says new report

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland response to the UK Committee on Climate Change (UKCCC) Report ‘Reducing emissions in Scotland, 2019 Progress Report to Parliament’ The report from the independent climate watchdog,…

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UN Climate Talks Out of Touch with Reality as Rich Countries Seek to Gut Paris Agreement

Prospects for vulnerable communities in ‘developing’ countries look dire, as wealthy countries refuse to pay up for the climate damage they have caused and Northern governments and corporations push forward…

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