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Peterhead power station

Damning Carbon Capture report exposes ‘significant risk’ of Peterhead power station plans

New research further undermines carbon capture technology calling it “wildly unrealistic as a climate solution”

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Scotland’s deposit return scheme due to launch in one year

Scotland’s deposit return scheme is due to launch in a year, but concerns remain over if this will be met by the Scottish Government.

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BP profits show ‘fundamentally broken’ energy system

The oil giant announced £6.9 billion profits in just 3 months. 

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Scottish Government fails to deliver for UN action plan deadline on environmental rights

Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland, Friends of the Earth Scotland, RSPB Scotland Press Release  Environmental NGOs have branded a UK and Scottish Government Action Plan to deliver on environmental rights…

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Shell profits show energy system ‘unfit for purpose’

Outrage at the announcement of oil giant Shell’s profits of £9.5billion in just 3 months. 

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Urgent action needed as we hit Earth Overshoot Day

Today marks Earth Overshoot Day – the day when humanity’s demand for ecological resources exceeds what the Earth can generate that year.

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Jackdaw court case welcomed by climate campaigners

Welcome for new that Greenpeace are mounting a legal challenge to the UK Government’s approval of the Jackdaw gas field.

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New report shows link between air pollution and dementia

Campaigners say bold action to limit traffic is needed as a new report showing the links between air pollution and dementia is released.

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Climate campaigners urge MSPs for a strong Climate Change Bill

Fossil fuels driving extreme heat and climate breakdown

Climate breakdown is here, it is deadly serious and it will get much worse unless we act urgently to end our reliance on oil and gas.

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