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‘Late and lightweight’ Green Industrial Strategy panned

Campaigners also concerned at plans to turn the seas of Scotland into Europe’s carbon dumping ground. 

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Investigation demanded after ‘cynical’ attempt by First Minister to dismiss code of conduct breaches

This defensive response is full of inconsistencies, weak excuses and provides no new evidence to support its claims.  

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Bill to ditch Scotland’s climate targets introduced

New targets are meaningless without new action to deliver on them.

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Scottish Parliament

Programme for Government: Ministers ‘refusing to learn from climate mistakes’

‘Next to nothing’ in this programme that shows the Scottish Government is serious about getting back on track on climate

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GB Energy to be located in Aberdeen, BBC reports

It matters more what it does than where it is but choosing Aberdeen is an opportunity to keep the benefits of the energy transition in the North East.

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group of protestors standing with large Stop Rosebank banner

Rosebank oil field: UK Government will not ‘defend the indefensible’

Due to the enormous climate harm it will cause, Rosebank should never have been approved in the first place.

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Major organisations call on Scottish Government to oppose new North Sea oil & gas drilling 

23 organisations urge Ministers to ensure that the green transition benefits Scotland’s workers and communities

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Carbon capture visit and funding ‘makes a mockery’ of planning process

Vital public services are crying out for funding yet John Swinney is giving millions of pounds to a pet project of Shell, who made £50 billion profit in the last two years.

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‘Ministerial code broken 28 times’ in Scot Gov handling of Peterhead power station application

Ministers have been caught out playing fast and loose with the rules, in favour of a polluting project that risks locking households into higher energy bills for decades to come.

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