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Friends of the Earth Scotland statement on Channel 4’s “What The Green Movement Got Wrong”

Friends of the Earth Scotland was never approached by the makers of this programme. We have neither had the opportunity to contribute to it, nor to comment in advance on…

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New report from environment campaigners challenges Scottish Government to do better than 42% carbon cuts by 2020

According to research published today (1 November) by Friends of the Earth Scotland, meeting our climate targets could increase employment, cut health-care costs and reduce social exclusion. The report, ‘42%…

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Comprehensive Spending Review “Browner that Gordon”

Self-proclaimed ‘greenest government’ fails key test in blizzard of wasteful cuts and missed opportunities Today’s spending review has axed key green promises and programmes. The promised Green Investment Bank has…

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Workplaces encouraged to go green in November

Workplaces across Scotland are being asked to hold a ‘green dress down day’ to raise funds for the environment. Friends of the Earth Scotland is encouraging staff to donate £1…

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Justice trumped by legal system

Responding to news that the attempt by Molly Forbes to challenge the decision to allow the Trump Organisation to develop land at Menie Estate has been rejected, Juliet Swann, Head…

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Banking on business as usual is a recipe for disaster

For the past two years, the taxpayer has been propping up a number of our high street banks, including Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Scotland’s largest bank. Despite being handed…

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100% renewable electricity by 2020: Environment groups lay down challenge to Scottish Government

Speaking today (20 September) at a Scotland Europa conference on ‘Scotland’s route to 2050: Contributing to Europe’s low carbon energy future’, Friends of the Earth Scotland Chief Executive Duncan McLaren…

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UK must prepare for climate impacts, says government watchdog

Reacting to today’s Climate Change Committee report (16 September), which calls on the government to act now to prepare for the impacts of climate change, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s…

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Planet Earth sounds raise £16,000 for environmental charity

An online sound library has raised £16,000 for Friends of the Earth Scotland in just a month. [img_assist|nid=834|title=Ben Gillet cheque handover|desc=Ben Gillet and Camel Audio staff handing over the cheque…

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