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Green shoots of recovery in budget dwarfed by unsustainable business as usual

With perhaps his final opportunity to deliver a budget for sustainable growth, the Chancellor Alistair Darling today, once more failed to grasp the nettle. The budget makes no progress towards…

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Government low carbon economy plan

Commenting on the Scottish Government’s low carbon economy discussion paper, Duncan McLaren, Friends of the Earth Scotland Chief Executive, said: “This welcome consultation represents a big step forward for Scotland….

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UK Budget 2010: What should be included

Friends of the Earth Scotland media briefing. Green Investment Bank The Chancellor should announce the formation of a Green Investment Bank. The new bank should focus on providing soft loans…

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Time for UK to step up to Scotland’s 42% target

Commenting on the The Committee on Climate Change report on Scotland published today (24 February), Friends of the Earth Scotland Chief Executive Duncan McLaren said: “The 42% target is achievable…

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Hungary follows in Scotland’s footsteps proposing tough climate law

The Hungarian Parliament is expected to vote today (22 February) on an ambitious climate bill, putting the country alongside Scotland in the leading pack of European countries in the fight…

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Friends of the Earth office in Haiti destroyed

The Friends of the Earth office in Haiti has been destroyed by the earthquake that hit the country on Tuesday. Reports from Haiti have revealed that although the Director Aldrin…

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Illegally detained Friends of the Earth campaigner freed after four weeks

Jamal Juma’, Friends of the Earth Palestine campaigner, was released today (13 January) after being detained without charge by the Israeli authorities for four weeks. Friends of the Earth groups…

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“Agreement” at Copenhagen is a recipe for confusion

“This US-brokered agreement is the weakest possible conclusion that could have come out of Copenhagen,” said Duncan McLaren, Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Chief Executive, commenting on the Copenhagen Accord…

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US ‘deal’ at Copenhagen is a weak sham – Friends of the Earth Scotland reaction

“This is the weakest possible agreement that could have come out of Copenhagen,” said Duncan McLaren, Friends of the Earth Scotland Chief Executive, commenting on the Copenhagen ‘outcome’ issued at…

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