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SCCS Briefing on Scottish Government Climate Change Debate

Ahead of the Copenhagen summit, a Stop Climate Chaos Scotland briefing for the Scottish Government’s climate change debate on 7 December 2009.  Download the briefing.

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Joint submission to the Scottish Parliament’s Banking Inquiry

A joint submission by Friends of the Earth Scotland, People and Planet, World Development Movement, Banktrack and Platform to the economy, energy and tourism committee banking inquiry. Download our submission

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The Wave campaign guide

On 5 December 2009 activists from across Scotland will attend the Wave, Scotland’s largest ever climate change demonstration taking place in advance of the UK climate talks in Copenhagen. The…

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Banking on Carbon Accountability 2

Financial institutions are in a unique position to influence greenhouse gas emissions through investment. However, current carbon reporting fails to capture this opportunity. This briefing proposes one tool to measure the…

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The Wave mobilisation pack

On Saturday 5th December, people from across Scotland will come together to send a clear message about climate change to world leaders meeting in Copenhagen for the UN climate change…

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Living in a chemical world

We are surrounded by thousands of man-made compounds. From the creams we put on our face to the toys our children play with, chemicals have become integral to our lifestyle….

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Royal Bank of Sustainability

In October 2008, the UK government purchased shares in a number of troubled banks. It manages these shareholdings at arms-length, through UK Financial Investments (UKFI), a government owned company specially…

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Demanding Climate Justice at COP-15 Copenhagen

This December the Danish capital of Copenhagen will host crucial international talks on climatechange. These talks are the latest in a series of attempts to reach a global agreement to…

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Demand Climate Justice – Day of Action Guide

In December 2009 world leaders will meet in Copenhagen for climate change talks.  Our Demand Climate Justice campaign is calling on world leaders to commit fair and credible deal on…

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