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Submission to Consultation on Public Health Legislation in Scotland

General observations on the Scottish Executive Consultation, outlining concerns arising from the received document – including the impact of climate change on health, haziness of definition and difficulties in assessment…

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Submission to Defra consultation on the draft Climate Change Bill

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcomes the Bill and the intention to put climate change policy on a long-term and statutory footing but believes a number of issues of detail…

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Submission to Scottish Executive Environment Group Consultation on The Environmental Liability Directive

Friends of the Earth Scotland welcome the opportunity to comment on the proposals to transpose the Environmental Liability Directive into Scottish law, and ask that the following points are considered…

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The Power of Scotland: Cutting Carbon with Scotland’s Renewable Energy

Reducing carbon emissions from electricity generation is a key part of the Scottish Executive’s climate change programme, with an ambitious target set for 40% of electricity consumption in Scotland to…

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Climate Change – Scotland’s Role in Delivering Climate Justice

This submission to the Environment and Rural Development Committee Inquiry outlines the science supporting human contribution to climate change and what its effects might be. It discusses current policy and…

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Climate Change in Scotland parliamentary briefing (Dec 2004)

This briefing details the signs of climate change and its probable effects on Scotland, followed by Scotland’s contribution to the current condition, what we are doing about it, and what…

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Climate Change in Scotland parliamentary briefing

This briefing details the signs of climate change and its probable effects on Scotland, followed by Scotland’s contribution to the current condition (including a chart of emissions sources), what we…

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