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Just Transition Parliamentary Briefing (Jan 2019)

JTP Briefing for MSPs ahead of Just Transition Debate Jan 2019

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Response to SEA and partial BRIA on Unconventional Oil and Gas

Our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on its Strategic Environmental Assessment and partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment of its ‘preferred policy position of no support’ for the onshore…

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Overcoming Barriers to Public Interest Litigation in Scotland

The report from leading NGOs explores why there is a lack of strategic court action in Scotland and suggests recommendations to address this.

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FoES’ Edinburgh Council transport transformation consultation response (Nov 2018)

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s response to Edinburgh City Council’s ‘Connecting our City, Transforming our Places’ consultation. We support the ambitious proposals and believe that a Low Emission Zone can…

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Risky Business

The Lothian and Strathclyde Pension Funds, run by Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils, were found to be failing to take adequate action to protect their £27.1 billion investments from climate risks.

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Scotland’s role in delivering the Paris Agreement: Tyndall Centre report, May 2018

To inform targets for Scotland’s new Climate Change Bill, we commissioned this report from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research on Scotland’s fair share of global emissions to deliver…

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Response to the Scottish National Investment Bank Bill Consultation (Oct 2018)

Our response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Bill to create the Scottish National Investment Bank.

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YFoES Network Co-ordinator

Job description for Young Friends of the Earth Scotland Network Co-ordinator

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2040 climate newspapers

Climate newspapers from 2040.

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